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Hopi Ear Candles

De-Stress and Recover

1 h
40 British pounds
Customer's Place

Service Description

Ear Candling is sometimes referred to as Thermo-Auricular Therapy or Thermal Auricular Therapy. Hopi Ear Candles have been used through the ages by the North and South American natives, Egyptian, African, Oriental and European cultures. A natural holistic therapy, it is safe for the elderly and young children (however, children need to be able to keep very still). The heat from the candle eases pain and discomfort in the ear. The ingredients impregnated in the cotton vaporise and are drawn down the hollow centre of the candle via a 'chimney effect'. Both ears must be treated, and the treatment takes approximately 45 minutes. A relaxing lymphatic drainage facial massage is offered before and after the candle treatment. Reiki is also offered to the head / shoulder if you choose during the treatment. Hopi Ear Candles can be used if you are living with:· • Excess or compacted ear wax· • Headaches and Migraine· • Hay fever/Rhinitis· • Sinusitis· • Neuralgia· • Tinnitus· • Helps recovery from a cold or 'flu, or simply to de-stress and clear the head. · A lot of people have this treatment before going on holiday, as it is also effective before going on an aeroplane journey. When Ear Candles CAN NOT be used: • If the ear drum is perforated· • If grommets or other such drainage devices are in place in the eardrum· • If the outer ear is infected or inflamed· • If you are allergic to any of the candle ingredients· • If antibiotics are being taken for an ear, nose or throat problem· • If root canal or other dental work has left the face sore· • If a cochlea implant is in place.

Contact Details

Mobile Shepshed, UK

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