Holistic Therapies


Terms & Conditions of Service
These are the general Terms and Conditions of Service for CV Holistic Therapies. If you have any questions regarding any issue please do email and I will get back to you as soon as is practicable.
Informed consent is required before any therapy can be offered. This will usually be signing a consent form on the first face to face consultation. For online services a completed form must be returned electronically and or email confirmation that consent is given. If a person lacks capacity to consent their friend / relative who has Lasting Power of Attorney will be required to sign consent form and show evidence they have Lasting Power of Attorney.
Medical Issues Contraindications and Safety
CV Holistic Therapies cannot offer a medical diagnosis or contradict medical diagnosis or advice. The therapies offered are recommended not as an alternative to medical care but can complement and be used alongside both conventional and other holistic / complementary treatments.
Any contra-indications or safety concerns will be discussed before a treatment commences and if you already have a serious medical condition, it’s recommended that you discuss the suitability of the holistic treatment with your medical doctor first.
CV Holistic Therapies reserve the right to shorten or stop a therapy if Client Safety is compromised or potentially at risk due to ongoing healthcare issues.
There is no scientific evidence that therapies offered affect pregnancy in any way, nor that it causes miscarriage. If the client expresses concern, then the offer of therapy will be withdrawn.
During Hypnotherapy and Past Life Regression / Healing you will remain in control of your actions. Hypnotherapy works with the consent of both your conscious and subconscious minds, there is no guarantee that Hypnotherapy be successful.
There is no guarantee that any therapy offered will be successful, therefore CV Holisitic Therapies cannot be held liable for any outcomes.
The nature and professional guidelines / training for therapies offered means the therapist may be required to lightly touch parts of the body such as the head and shoulders, feet etc. Intimate areas will never be physically touched; however therapy may be offered in the auric field around these areas. Your dignity and personal space will always be respected and honored. Any light touch will only delivered with your agreement. If either party feels uncomfortable during the pre-therapy assessment / discussion alternatives will be agreed between both parties. If required both parties have the right to have a chaperone present, however this person must agree to maintain client confidentiality.
After care advice will be provided at the end of every session. This is also available on the website. All clients are advised to consider the recommendations provides so they can have the best outcomes possible for them.
Booking Cancellation and changing an appointment
Booking an appointment constitutes your verbal agreement / contract to purchase services offered by CV Holistic Therapies.
Bookings can be made via telephone, email or via my web site (where indicated).
Appointments can be rescheduled due to life issues; however, this needs to be arranged more than 24 hours prior to the appointment.
24 hours’ notice is required to cancel your appointment (in whatever format you choose to receive the service). Failure to cancel or appointments NOT ATTENDED, including not being at home or choosing not to answer the door for pre-arranged appointments will result in an invoice for the full fee.
50-60 minutes is generally allocated for all home visits this includes consultation therapy / treatment and feedback. Extended sessions can be offered by mutual agreement. If you choose to extend the Holistic Therapy or Hypnotherapy session beyond the stated time frame, there is an additional charge of £20 for every extra 15 minutes.
There are no refunds for any appointments booked / cancelled / delivered.
Hypnotherapy, Past Life Regression and Online Services must be paid for in advance (when booking).